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Monday, February 5, 2018

Accolades and Awards and Praise – OH MY!

In order for employees to stay motivated, they need to be appreciated, included and trusted. They also want opportunities to grow their talents, be rewarded, empowered and have access to mentors. When employers know this, their company flourishes and retains employees through a healthy company culture.

However, being appreciated is the number one thing employees need to feel valued. Accolades go a long way especially if the accolades are given in front of coworkers. Not only does it show your appreciation, but it can motivate the entire staff to strive for more.

Accolades along with a gift mean even more. Sometimes it is hard to figure out what an employee desires and would love to have. Incentive gift programs are a perfect way to give employees the freedom to choose their own gift. Your happy employee can go online and choose the gift from a variety of options you preselect.

At SEP Communications, we can help you come up with the perfect incentive package to fit your company and your budget. We love exploring creative ideas and look forward to celebrating your success!